Pour Molten Metal Over Wood, And You Can Make Some Seriously Kicka** Furniture

Here’s some totally awesome table and chairs you probably wouldn’t ever see in a furniture store. Artist Hilla Shamia has developed a unique process that involves pouring molten metal over carved tree trunks, resulting in some incredibly cool furniture! The process preserves that natural form of the tree trunk while still allowing the molten aluminum to flow into the crevices of the wood, slightly burning the area where the two materials meet. molten1 Artisans pour molten metal over wooden furniture molten2 Mold are used to guide the molten metal… Crafting special shapes to fit with the wood molten3 The molten metal charrs the edges molten4 Resulting in some incredible furniture molten5 molten6 molten7 molten8 molten9 Source: http://canyouactually.com/pour-molten-metal-over-wood-and-you-can-make-some-seriously-kicka-furniture/