Great White Shark Gets Stuck Inside Diver’s Cage In Terrifying Video


I’ve never been able to fathom why people go diving with sharks. I mean, what compels someone to lock themselves in a metal cage and get dunked under water with one of nature’s most dangerous predators? No amount of money in the world would make me do it. You could have 30 trained snipers standing on the boat waiting to shoot, and I still wouldn’t go in. It’s genuinely mental.

Obviously, this stems from a pathological fear I’ve picked up after watching lots of scary shark movies and viral videos. Videos very much like the one I’m about to show you.


Footage has emerged on YouTube of the shocking moment a shark managed to get inside a shark cage. The video, which was posted yesterday on the channel Gabe And Garrett, has over 290,000 views already, and is definitely the sort of thing that would make you afraid to go back in the water.

The incident occurred near Guadalupe Island, located 241 kilometres off the west coast of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. Speaking about the incident, the person who shot the video introduced it pretty perfectly: “On a recent great white shark cage diving trip we experienced a very rare event, a shark breaching the side of the cage.”

Are you ready to watch something truly astounding? Well here it is… Oh yeah, and before you ask, there is a diver in the cage while all this is going on, which makes it infinitely harder to watch.

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Wow, that was pretty hairy. My first question is this, how did the shark end up in the cage? Well thankfully our YouTube friend has the answer: “What might appear to be an aggressive great white shark trying to attack the cage, this is not the case. These awesome sharks are biting at large chunks of tuna tied to a rope. When a great white shark lunges and bites something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backwards.” He continues: “So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally hit the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backwards, it thrust forward and broke the metal rail of the cage.”

Does this make you feel any more comfortable about swimming with sharks? No, me neither. I think I’ll stick to seeing my sharks on YouTube or through some double thick perspex glass thank you very much.
